How Dr. Friedman Works

Whether you have ever worked with a specialist in your practice or not, Dr. Friedman can assist you and your staff as needed, including:

– Diagnosis
– Treatment Planning
– Time and Cost Estimates
– Protocols (i.e., consent forms, pharmacology, post ops, fee schedule)

Depending upon your experience and comfort level, Dr. Friedman can also assist in the restorative phase. Regardless of how you utilize him, Dr. Friedman’s experience, mentoring abilities, and expertise in the field of implants will make him a valuable addition to your team.

Dr. Friedman is a trained Prosthodontist with 30 years of implant dentistry and 20+ years of placing implants, and may have a better understanding of occlusion and placement of implants as compared with an Oral Surgeon or Periodontist. He is one of 18 personally selected Misch Institute Faculty Members. Dr. Carl Misch is recognized as the leader of Implant Dentistry.


Step I:  Needed Diagnostic Information:

A fee estimate can be presented to the patient at this time, with modifications to be made based upon the review of diagnostic information by Dr. Friedman. (Not all cases require a CBCT. Dr. Friedman will discuss this with you before requesting one.)

Step II:  Email the above information to Dr. Friedman, along with any pertinent medical history; current medications being taken; and other concerns that you may have.

After review of the above information, Dr. Friedman can determine which procedures will be necessary, and how much time will be needed for scheduling the patient. A definitive fee should then be reviewed with the patient.

Step III:  Coordinate the scheduling of the patient with Dr. Friedman. If multiple surgeries are required, then appointments will be discussed in advance and scheduled accordingly.

You may chose to schedule a consult with the patient, Dr. Friedman, and yourself, should you desire to be present, prior to scheduling the procedure(s). This may or may not be necessary, depending on the patient’s desires, concerns, and questions.

Step IV:  Refer to the protocols and consent agreements previously sent to your office:

Step V:  The procedure is performed by Dr. Friedman. Post op instructions are reviewed with the patient. For any patient concerns or emergencies, Dr. Friedman’s cell phone number is written on top of the post op instruction page.

Step VI:  2-3 weeks following the procedure, sutures will be removed to by you, unless Dr. Friedman is returning for additional patient consults or procedures.

Dr. Friedman has been successful in establishing rapport and connection with his patients, doctors, and their staff by being available and readily accessible through cell phone, text, and email.